From the Crotch - August 29, 2018


Last nights LNA meeting proved quite interesting. If you remember the last meeting video, it showed the rude behavior of a board member screaming at Robert Schultz who volunteers to film the meetings.

Ms. Bader who was less than 2 feet from Robert got pretty loud in her question about whether the camera was rolling. What was she worried about - it would be filmed?

If you watched further you saw Paul the "Interference Officer" from ONI totally ignore the outburst and behavior of Bader and ask Robert why he did not respond. How clearly biased his actions were.

What should have happened is he should have asked Ms. Bader why she felt she had to scream at Robert, which I felt was very intimidating. This is not accidental  .The board does not want Robert there filming them. Why? Because it shows the community the truth about their behavior and also their false claims about all the hard work they put in.  It is laughable.

Next a vote was taken to post Sabina Urdes draft of the By-Laws she had produced as Chair of the By Laws Committee. 

By-Laws that have gone undone for 2 years under the leadership of Potter, who I am sure would love to have no By-laws.

Of course Bader and Potter attempted to question her position as Committee Chair. After that failed, there was a motion which was passed by the membership to post the draft on the LNA page for comment.

This was the same process done with the Code of Conduct. 6 of 10 posts regarding the code were removed or hidden by Ms. Potter on the LNA page. That means 60% of the feedback (that we know of) was deleted or hidden. Nothing like transparency and inclusion huh!

None of the posts, and I have them....violated any Facebook rules or were in any way a violation of any terms. There was no profanity, no threats, just peoples reactions

I guarantee that in addition to the grievance that is being filed for that action, this time we are considering a different process to protect our right to have a voice in a public form. One that will provide a more significant and final relief for this behavior. 

It will then also become clear if this is a board action.. or the action of an individual.

Finally we move to Chris.. poor Chris. He sits as an illegitimate board member, attempting to push a Code of Conduct on the community that he himself could not even follow.

Comments about his draft of a code were... "It is .. Subjective, Alienating, Vague."  Instead of giving one a Code of Conduct he provided a list of rules that no one could abide by.  His code was voted down by the membership.

To add to the hypocrisy he got into a heated discussion with Schultz, who pointed out to him that he by his demeanor and responses, had just violated the very Code of Conduct he authored.

And of course then came the typical snowflake response....

Chris's reply was that they had not been approved yet so they were not in effect. I kid you not! Hopefully he will crawl back into wherever he was for the last 2 years and let those who have some knowledge about the problem attempt to find a solution. Perhaps he and Paul can work together on some future projects...outside of Lents!

Finally it is time for us to say goodbye to Paul from ONI. 
He from what I am told is not returning.

Perhaps now we will get a person who makes decisions and upholds the rules set forth for NA's based on their merit instead of who filed them,,,and who they are against.

Happy Trails!

Crotch Alley - June 20, 2018


Yes as I walked the alley (now 3 or 4 time daily ritual) I found a guy fast asleep. At first I thought he was having a seizure. Both his legs were shaking. I called out to him and asked him what was up. I told him about his legs. I said, "You do a lot of meth?"  He said "yes."  I told him he could not be back here slamming dope. He said the owner told him it was cool as long as he did not slam. I told him I knew the owner and I doubt he said that. Just then the homeowner came into the alley. When I asked him if he gave this guy permission he became a little irate. Before long there were 5 of us and the folks in the apartments just above where he was sitting. They are new here.  I asked the man if they had kids and then warned him about the junkies throwing needles over the fence.

After a back and forth where he was attempting to convince us he had the right to be there he finally left. His words as he left .. "I will burn your house down."  So all you advocates better wake up.  How many attacks have their been on homeowners and residents?  How many times have we heard threats like this. No one in our group made any threats to him... until the burn your house down comment.

After he left I moved the tarp he was on and there were 2 freshly used needles....and about 12 feet down there was a nice pile of shit up against an apartment building.

By the way to the folks that claim they are not animals...your right.. even animals don't act like this.

People do not feel safe. While we hear bullshit stories of homeless being harassed.. those of us living in it know the truth,,,,,,,,

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The Crotch of Lents - September 13, 2017

The Crotch of Lents

So they just busted a younger girl, long blonde hair, on my block trying to break into a house across from Automotive Outfitters on 83rd and Foster. She was removing the screen and the folks across the street John and Rita called it in. 

Actually watched them put cuffs on her. Officer said she also had a warrant.

Last night a guy dressed in black with a red scarf attacked the Automotive Outfitters building with some type of baton. He was on video acting like a Ninja and left damage to the window about the size of a bowling ball....Hey Jo Cooper Nearing....your assessment of the crime wave in Lents is a tad bogus!

Ninja and Goldilocks both happened the same day... at almost the same location ...yea things are better then last year ,,,,,right! The crotch of Lents is worse than it has been in all the years I have been here...

Monday Morning at the Crotch! - July 16, 2018


So this morning we chased another group away that were in the alley. They climbed the fence next door and were probably trying to find a way into the vacant apartment.

John my neighbor found a knife and some pepper spray on the ground over behind the Shell. The knife was in a case and had ants all over it. At closer inspection I saw what could be blood and the handle has some sticky residue on it although you cannot see the color as the handle is black.

Called it in to non-emergency and they are sending out someone to pick it up. With all the stabbings lately who knows it could have been used in one and then discarded.


It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood.


Saturday Evening at the Crotch! - July 14, 2018


Two folks hanging at the corner doing drugs. A van from Pennsylvania parked here packed with stuff. I was told a pit bull was inside it during the hot weather. I checked and it was not there... I will be checking later.. not the first time I have seen them leave an animal in their stinky shit vehicles.

Two junkies in the alley this afternoon arguing over a hit of dope. The conversation was amazing. One drug addict trying to convince the other of his integrity.

A girl in the bushes at the tire store. When asked what she was doing she said she was resting.

Libby sitting in the alley trying to find a vein with no luck.. First the leg...that won't work... then the arm ...damn that is not happening.. if I did not interrupt her I am sure the neck would have come into play

Thinking of actually giving the alley a name.. Shooters Alley is a nifty one.

Anyway.. this is the daily crap we go through. We clean it up they destroy it. We ask them not to do it here....they ignore us and do it anyway and then leave us nice fresh piles of shit, needles and garbage.


Much Much More from the Crotch - June 22, 2018


About 11:30 PM last night my neighbor calls saying there are several folks in her alley setting up camp. I get dressed and go over only to find 3 or 4 folks behind her house right across from me that are setting up camp. The reason these folks are there is obvious to most of us here. The old Dental Office has had some folks living on the property in an old car. I have talked to the guy several times telling him that his abandoned vehicle is a draw for SR people.

After chasing them from the alley he approaches us drunk and tells us he is trying to help them. Now this guy claims that the owner has hired him as a caretaker. I have a problem with that. Seems Mr. Caretaker has to use the bathroom at Shell to wash up and go to the bathroom. So why does the owner who thinks enough of him to be the caretaker,,,,not give him a key so he can use the bathroom???????????????????

The people setting up camp were Asia and 2 guys who, no doubt were with her because she had money or dope. Knowing she would pass out in the alley.. they can rob her while she is nodding... Yes...they are cannibals.

So this drunk is telling us...(the group of folks that has made dozens and dozens of calls to try and get help for Asia) that he is helping her.....Insane! There were neighbors from 4 homes out there pretty pissed last night and the owner is going to hear from us.

More... Now the above ended about 1 or 1:30 AM . At 6 this morning I go out to find a red convertible parked in front of my house with trash everywhere around it. A young black man is sitting there. I say hello and he responds. As I am walking my dog I look between the apartments to see a camp set up in the back yard of a vacant house.

After looking further I see at least 15 duffel bags and carry all bags leaning against the fence. I walk back there and the person has constructed a makeshift fence and has literally picked up all of the trash that was back there. I am serious when I say picked it all up. If you had seen it before ...

Anyway this girl Denise shows up blonde hair about 30 and tell me she is just leaving...that her husband kicked her out and left her stuff in the alley???

I help her load all the stuff into this red convertible. The guys says nothing.  Denise is crying. Then I find out they have no gas. I load them up with gas and they leave. It never stops here folks. 24/7 7 days a week.

More From the Crotch! - May 30, 2018


I was so caught up yesterday will the gunshots that I forgot to mention the other incident. My neighbor tells me that back in the alley is a van and some people unloading it. I went back and confronted them. I asked one of the guys what they were doing, He told me they were taking parts off the van. I looked and crap was everywhere. I said you are not stripping this back here and leaving it. Load this crap up and move along before I call the police. They reluctantly did....and I guess to get back at me when they left decided to dump off a dresser a table and a cabinet at the other end of the alley.

Today at the Shell a guy was in the dumpster. He was having lunch which consisted of the old out dated and non refrigerated burritos from the store. Worrying about the liability of this guy being in the dumpster the manager went out and told him he could not be in there. The guy reacted by standing by the dumpster and throwing about a dozen or so burritos at him. I guess he threw a fit.

A half hour ago I looked out the back and saw a young gentleman squatted against the fence reading a paper taking a crap. I crept out there and yelled ..."What the hell are you doing?" He stood up fast and when he did he crapped on one of his shoes and almost fell as his pants fell down around his ankles.

He became angry took his shoe off and scooped up some poop and tossed it as he yelled, F*^k you.. I got in my truck and drove through the alley and he was gone. I did see the shoe in the road on 84th so he must have decided he did not want it anymore.

This is not a joke. Stabbings, shootings, massive car theft, burglaries, drugs, needles, crap, abandoned vehicles .. like a Mad Max movie. Remember when the series The Walking Dead was considered Sci-Fi?

For those who can care less as you are not subjected to this yet... don't will be near you soon!

Quit Needling Me! - August 27, 2018



These are a few pictures I took at Wal-Greens on 82nd and Holgate. Among the nasty camps all around it, I found this right up against the back of the store just around from the pharmacy drive thru. Must have been 50 needles in one little corner. I was on my way to an appointment and called Char to get on the phone with them and tell them to clean that nasty crap up. Thank you Mr. Wheeler for allowing these scumbags to not only terrorize neighborhoods but local businesses also.

The junkie robber and dope peddler has been banished from the neighborhood...since his absence we have noticed a huge reduction in folks on that side of 83rd's alley problem.

Thanks to Brad, Anna, John, Rita, Old John, the folks that adjoin us on 84th, and my kids for getting involved. A day at a time.

Still amazes me as to the ignorance of those who live among us and have no idea what the hell is even going on in their own neighborhood...

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More...from the Crotch - June 8, 2018

More from the Crotch!

This morning we were greeted by a few drug dealers. You know the old saying....The early dealer gets the junkie. Well, Brad first saw them at 5 AM.  At 6 AM I came outside (morning yogi) and watched as 2 cars parked down by the Shell were selling their goodies.

On my way to coffee I stopped and asked them what they were doing here and they said. "just talking". Two males - one blonde female.

At about 7:30AM John and his wife came out, Brad and Anna and me and my son Josh. They waved at I walked over and he said his name but I can;t remember it...He then said they were homeless and just parked.  Brad and my son came walking up and we explained that this was not the block to be on. Brad told them that he had seen Asia at their vehicle. I told them I had seen 2 other stop by and it was obvious what they were doing. They left.

10 minutes later a person at gunpoint stole a car from someone at the Shell Station.

At 10:30 when I got back from bidding a job there were three folks in my alley.

I just got back to this post after almost an hour in the alley I was taking some pictures so you could better understand what is going on here

While out there I came across a new camp that just sprung up over the last few hours. Where they get all this crap to drag back here I have no clue.

This one was sleeping.. all around the pad he was on were needles and garbage. Asked him if he was okay and he jumped up talking some crazy stuff about how us people that own things are fucking the world. Brad, John and other neighbors came out and he got more and more crazy. At one point he picked up a board and came at me swinging it.

By this time yes,,, same concerned folks out there, as this is our neighborhood. He finally left after a lot of crazy talk. 

The police came, we gave him a description. Brad even offered him a ride to a shelter and he refused, By the way.... he says his girlfriend is 8 1/2 months pregnant and they are not going to a hospital to have it.

Remember the alley I am showing you was cleaned up not too long ago by our group, Char has pictures of it after the cleanup...This is what it looks like now..with dozens of needles,,,

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