The Crotch - August 19, 2018


So the alley again became a problem last night. 10:30 pm, 2:30 am, 5;40 am and 9;30 am. The first two incidents were more junkies and drunks in the alley fighting and yelling. Chased them away.

At 5:40 the other pain in the ass started.

Seems like the work crew on Foster that use 83rd for their truck started around 5 am or so this morning. Woke up half the neighborhood.. Neighbors complained and I am sure the city will be hearing from residents tomorrow morning. The last incident were 2 more junkies getting their morning fix.

Now remember folks we have to have patience and compassion for these folks. Despite the fact that working folks and families would like to spend a weekend without smelling their shit, worrying about their needles and being woken up at all hours of the night.

I was under the impression since I do a lot of pressure washing that 7 am on weekdays and 9 am on Sunday were rules for running equipment?  Maybe that changed. 5:00 am on a Sunday morning ????????

Good News From the Crotch - August 21, 2018


Don and Suzi who just had their business destroyed by a car crashing into it, and hearing they were not good news today.

Seems the Insurance company after a story on KGW and a lot of calls from angry folks (I know about a dozen on the pages ...Thanks Guys) have accepted the claim..

Which means the coffee shop that I have gone to for 12 years along with many others will reopen.

Good job guys...big shout out to Maggie Vespa .

From the Crotch - August 12, 2018


If there is any doubt in any minds as to why Fred Meyers closed, I think this map below of yesterday's criminal activity in our area speaks volumes,

Looks like Wal-Mart got hammered yesterday and there was a shooting and robbery in with the usual thefts and assaults. Think about it.  If the store caught 5 or 6 shoplifters... that means there were how many times that more that got away? I noticed they had an employee and a security guard at the food side exit.

Again the average drug addict does from $60 to $100 a day in drugs. ( That info is not from any gov survey but from the users themselves) $1800 to $3000 per month ,,,,now multiply that by 100. Residents wind up paying taxes out of one pocket for these folks and higher costs for consumer products due to high theft.

Not sure how good the information is however I am told that an Asian Market may be going in the old Fred Meyer building. 

Same person who told me this made mentioned that we in Lents are not being given complete and updated information on issues from our board. Apparently they decide what they think we should hear.

The construction in the area is really hurting local business. I for one think they should be compensated. 

If the city can waste millions on service resistant folks they can pony up to local businesses that are financially impacted by these crazy ideas they call improvements. The Foster project that was hatched 15 years ago is a disaster even before completion. Yesterday at 11:30 I was returning home and ran into a traffic back up on Foster between 52nd and 72nd. I have driven that street for 30 years and never ran into anything like that unless there was an accident or construction...their was neither.

From the Crotch! - August 26, 2018

So after chasing about a dozen out of the alley this weekend, we were pleasantly surprised that the alley has twice as much trash and debris as last week. Yes, I will not doubt for the ? time ( I lost count) I will clean it up again.

You can see they were coloring and they even have a Christmas tree stand back there. You have to give them credit for planning early

The biggest surprise however is the portable vagina they left there. It is made of rubber and has all the details.

Just the thing for those lonely nights in the alley.. a hit of dope and then snuggle up to Virginia the Virtual Vagina.

Now in my wildest stories about what they drag back here I cannot top this one.

No I am not crazy yet folks.... but they are working at it....

Unbelievable !!!.

Virginia the Virtual Vagina
Christmas base.JPG

Meanwhile Back In Realty - August 18, 2018


So you can see from the pics this area is less then 100 feet.
As a group we cleaned it was spotless. Since then it has been cleaned by me twice, the last time was Tuesday....yes Tuesday 5 days ago.

They have torn down more fences, spray painted the new ones,
I picked up 48 rigs and about twice that many caps.

Neighbors are beyond disgusted. Between our neighborhood leader and the city folks we have no one that gives two shits about these alleys,

This one is the worst, With the construction going on one end is closed off so foot traffic has multiplied. There are literally folks in this alley non stop from 11pm to sunrise, shooting dope, crapping, urinating, and dragging in trash from everywhere. Looks like the streets of a third world country back there.... Julie, Cliff, David, Char, Penny, Doug and have to be sick seeing this.....
